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Normal Topic Excellent review of BMF book (Read 1277 times)
Mike W
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Excellent review of BMF book
02/09/18 at 18:07:52
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Mike Denton's book "A Natural History of Blackmoorfoot Reservoir" has received high praise in IBIS magazine:

Denton, M. A Natural History of Blackmoorfoot Reservoir, Huddersfield. 528 pages, with maps, photographs and drawings. Huddersfield: Huddersfield Birdwatchers’ Club, 2017. Hardback, £30.00 including p. & p. For availability consult website:; the edition of 100 copies may have been sold out.
This reservoir is in the Pennine foothills south-west of the town. It was constructed in the 1870s. Although the first British bird atlas was for the Huddersfield district (Mosley 1912–1915), the reservoir did not attract much attention until the foundation of the Club in 1966. There have been three previous accounts of its bird-life (Bray 1974; Denton 1985 and 2004). This fine new work extends coverage to all life-forms in and around the water, in a total area of about three square kilometres, which includes a small wood and a hamlet. The interest of the water itself has somewhat declined in recent years, with fewer wintering duck; passage waders are seldom attracted by the high water-levels now considered necessary. However, the regularity of visits and (before 1998) the active ringing station have produced a list of 217 species.
Birds form only about a fifth of this work. All species recorded from another 30 life-forms are listed, including 854 beetles, 456 flowering plants and ferns, and 170 spiders. Huddersfield is fortunate in being able to find the expertise necessary for their identification. The book is indeed a model for a full local natural history of a very small area and is a monument to concentrated effort. It deserves a wider readership outside Yorkshire (and imitation!), but the very small edition risks it becoming a great collectors’ rarity.
David Ballance

Still a few left if you wish to secure your copy of a classic.
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Re: Excellent review of BMF book
Reply #1 - 03/01/18 at 18:29:37
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An excellent review .Maybe it will be valuable in a hundred years!
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