Thank you for expressing an interest in Hen Harrier Day - 10 August 2014.
This email is about Hen Harrier Day events in the Peak District (Derbyshire). If you wish to attend a Hen Harrier Day event in Northumberland, Durham, Yorkshire or Lancashire then more information will follow at a later date.
Arrangements for the Peak District are progressing well. I believe we have a venue (to be announced next week) and I believe we have lots of attendees. If you would like further details of the Peak District Hen Harrier Day events please register through clicking on this link.
https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/peak-district-hen-harrier-day-tickets-11761389633... Further updates on Peak District Hen Harrier Day events will be sent to those who register their interest through that link.
And in any case, please keep an eye on my blog on Monday evenings for the first updates on events.
http://markavery.info/blog/Thank you for raising your voice to protect this magnificent bird of prey. That's what this event is about - saying that illegal persecution of wildlife is wrong!
Dr Mark Avery
My book, Fighting for Birds - 25 years in nature conservation is available from Pelagic Publishing and many other places. Chris Packham describes it as a 'must-read'.
Out in July 2014 - A Message from Martha; the extinction of the Passenger Pigeon and why it still matters - published by Bloomsbury.
Does anyone from the club plan to participate?