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Works at Ingbirchworth
08/18/10 at 15:21:57
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Yorkshire Water are about to embark upon work at Ingbirchworth reservoir which will affect access and, undoubtedly, the bird life.

On Thursday 19th work will commence on the footpaths around the reservoir including some realignment and improvement as well as changes to the wooden bridges. This work will take a couple of weeks depending upon the weather and some parts of the footpaths will be closed temporarily. On Friday 20th work is due to commence on thinning out a number of trees that are regarded as hazardous to pedestrians or to vehicles on the road running along the south side. This will be followed by additional footpath realignement and improvement.

(We have been assured that this will not result in paths of the same quality or access as that at Scout Dike which will ultimately to be wheelchair accessible following further improvement work later this year.)

After this work has been completed we have been promised that new "Dog Walker" signs will be erected at appropriate points around Ingbirchworth Reservoir.


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Re: Works at Ingbirchworth
Reply #1 - 08/18/10 at 17:06:50
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Talk about bad timing!! Ah well, the waders have been amazingly tolerant of disturbance so far....

Overheard there this aft, a dog walker talking to her friend - "The problem with the reservoir being shrunk is that he has to run through 800 yards of thick mud to get to the water".

True story.  Smiley
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Re: Works at Ingbirchworth
Reply #2 - 08/21/10 at 11:28:58
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I read with dismay about the local res's. I rarely venture around them these days as I don't really have the spare time.

I did venture upto Blackmoorfoot on a rare visit last winter for the GN Divers but the amount of loose dogs and dog fouling made me think is it really worth it.

I am sure that these days YW will have a conservation officer as it is good PR and they have to interface with statutory bodies these days on various matters. Carsington Water in Derbyshire is a fine example of how correct management can create areas for both wildlife, humans and dogs!

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Re: Works at Ingbirchworth
Reply #3 - 08/22/10 at 21:21:04
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the waders are tolerant because they are generally arctic juvs and a bit dim. but the potential of the place is severely compromised by disturbance - if i walked into a shop and nicked stuff i'd be a crim - but i can can ignore any law relating to walking my dog with impunity!

on the moors they let dogs loose despite signs - then there's illegal off-roaders. time we started a concerted letter-writing campaign to orgs, politicians, councillors, press etc etc
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Re: Works at Ingbirchworth
Reply #4 - 08/23/10 at 12:24:21
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I agree Mick, but the problem is that, mostly, they aren't breaking the law, just regulations set out by YW etc. The people responsible at YW are very aware of the problem but also aware that they need to serve the needs all of their customers including dog walkers, many of whom are perfectly responsible. What they have promised us after the works have been completed is the erection of a number of large signs requiring dogs to be kept on the lead at all times. The challenge then is to enforce this but it does also give people like us a bit of firmer ground when confronting/moaning at such people in future.

An example of the kind of difficulties faced by such as YW occured at Blackmoorfoot some time ago. They were having problems there with windsurfers and were trying to catch them at it so they could sue them. With the help of HBC (MD in particular) they managed to get the registration number of the cars of those responsible but, when they tried to take further action were refused the details of the car owners by DVLC as no criminal offences had been taking place. They do try and also get just as frustrated as we do.


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Re: Works at Ingbirchworth
Reply #5 - 08/23/10 at 19:32:25
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I did write to YW concerning this matter after I was confronted by a dog at Broadstones you can find the reply at if you cant see this I can send on a copy to anybody who requests it. It does confirm what Alf is saying and that YW hands are tied because nobody is actually breaking the law only byelaws and they will be erecting bigger signs hopping this goes along way. They did ask me over the phone to write to DEFRA which I had done at the same time and there reply came back today heres a quote
"Byelaws under section 157 of the water industry Act 1991 are made by the water companies, and enforcement is their responsibility Looks like the going round in circles thing to me anyway hope this helps
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Re: Works at Ingbirchworth
Reply #6 - 08/24/10 at 19:51:58
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As someone who's worked in the public sector for 30 yrs I am healthily sceptical of assertions by large orgs that they cannot discharge their responsibilities for various logistical reasons- where there's a will there is usually a way in my experience, generally by harnessing the enthusiasm and support of key people in the orgs. As an aside, I should be interested to know why the DVLA thought the fact that no crime was alleged meant info couldn't be released - possibly Data Protection Act - one of the most misunderstood and mis-applied laws in the land.

This is not to criticise the individuals at YW who do get frustrated nor to deny the competing demands on YW's time and money but in the final analysis it is YW who can apply the bylaws not you, me or HBW. So the birds are, essentially, in their hands.  It is a very positive sign that they are talking to us and vice versa so all is not lost. We just need to be more pro-active in promoting the cause than we have historically - which might have kept one side closed to public in the first place. heretical question - is it possible to close one side of each of the resers or would that be in breach of a duty? if done, access is achieved and so  is conservation.

as for letters, I didn't necessarily mean to YW - how about kennel club, papers, councillors, MPs etc emphasising gratitude to responsible dog walkers and the bylaw requirements? or assisting YW publicity dept to do same? we could publish photos of this year's unusual visitors eg waders

lastly, I believe LRP bred there but couldn't confirm. would be useful t check nxt year - sch 1 can lead to closing access!

I am working full on till april but happy to help/meet where i can.
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Re: Works at Ingbirchworth
Reply #7 - 01/13/11 at 12:14:05
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At Ingbirchworth today I noticed that the long-promised signs have now been erected. The wording is:


Important Site For Birds

This site is important for breeding and migrating birds. Several breeding species are of conservation concern and other species have undertaken long migrations to get here. To keep disturbance to a minimum please keep to the defined footpaths keeping your dog on a lead at all times and clearing up any fouling.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Yorkshire Water


They've done what they promised; now let's see what effect it has upon the regular dog walkers. We can all do our bit by encouraging those people who might have overlooked the notices to comply with them when we point them out, diplomatically of course.


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Re: Works at Ingbirchworth
Reply #8 - 01/17/11 at 09:56:32
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just noticed Alf's comments about windsurfers last August and DVLC not giving oout addresses as no criminal offence committed.Odd that for money they give that information to private companies to pursue those who overstay parking on private parks-thats not criminal either!
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